Business Studies Presentation – Grade 11 Term 2

Activity Introduction

The cross-curriculum topic introduced in this project is Community and Social Responsibility, focusing on Business citizenship and Green Enterprise. Learners research the topic, create a presentation and present it to the class.

Grade: 11

Key Concepts & Skills: • Application of creative thinking to address business problems and to improve business practice (recap) • Creative thinking to address business problems and to improve business practice • Problem-solving skills in a business context • Creative thinking skills and conventional vs. nonconventional solutions (include indigenous approach and solutions) • Creative solutions to business problems; assess these against the reality of the business environment • Development of Presentation and Presenting Skills

Extra Notes: Print one copy of the first page of the Assessment for your own records and then exclude this page when printing the Assessment for each of your learners

Duration: 2 lessons

Curriculum links: Gr 11 Business Studies Term 2 Formal Task: Presentation

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