Registration & Renewal
Ready to Register? Follow the simple steps below to activate your profile and gain access to all the Hub has to offer!
Registering Your School For the First Time
Check out the following video explaining just how to register your school for the first time.Alternatively, follow the step-by-step guide as set out in our Frequently Asked Questions section.
Registering as a Teacher For the First Time
Check out the following video explaining just how to register a teacher profile for the first time.
Alternatively, follow the step-by-step guide as set out in our Frequently Asked Questions section.
Joining us for another year? Follow the instructions below to update your annual subscription and continue your journey with the Sustainable Schools Programme.
*Note that any teacher profiles connected to your school will automatically be renewed once your school’s subscription has been renewed.
Renewing Your School’s Memberships
Check out the following video explaining how to re-register your school.
Need Assistance?
If you need help or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us:
WhatsApp or call: 074 526 9666
1. Register
To initiate action projects and start a School Environmental Management Plan, pledge your commitment by registering your school via this online hub. The annual school registration fee is R350 (2021).*Discounts as your school progresses on the programme.
Create your schools profile on the platform and start exploring the planning and implementation tools.
2. Support
A School Coordinator will visit your school or give you a call to help guide you as you start this exciting journey!
Your Coordinator will help you identify suitable Focus Areas and action projects, and provide online hub support & training. The School Coordinators are there to guide & support you along every step of your sustainability journey.
3. Access Implementation Tools:
Access your implementation & relevant Focus Area guides or ask your School Coordinator to print these for you.
4. Action Planning:
- Start your Action Planning utilising the School Environmental Management Plan online form – which will be used for monitoring and reporting on your activities.
- Conduct Audits and,
- Identify relevant partners
5. Action Implementation:
Initiate action projects and use your action project(s) as a teaching and learning tool. If you need some help, have a look at some Focus Area specific lesson plans to get you going.
Connect your learners to nature.
6. Report:
Report on your activities using the School Environmental Management Plan online form.
7. Recognition & Rewards:
Receive recognition and rewards for the work you have done.
8. Share and Celebrate:
Share your stories of change with us and let’s celebrate your success – both big and small!