Coastline Exploration Activity Booklet – Grade 4-6

Activity Introduction

In this activity, learners will explore how coastlines change, identify marine species, and discover how plants and animals survive in coastal environments. The jam-packed activity booklet also includes learning about the impact of tides, understanding human connections to the ocean, and finding ways to protect our shores. Best used in conjunction with an outing to the coast or a tidal pool exploration, this activity encourages real-world observation and discovery.

Grade: 4-6

Resources Required: Activity booklet (downloadable below).

Key Concepts & Skills: Key Concepts: Marine biodiversity, Coastal ecosystems and adaptations, human influence on marine environments. 21st Century Skills: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Problem solving, Communication

Extra Notes: Cross-curricular integration: Creative Arts (Drawing marine animals), Personal and Social Well-being (Discussing the cultural and recreational value of coastlines)

Duration: 1 Hour

Level of teacher facilitation: Moderate

Curriculum links: Natural Science (Grade 4 - Term 2 & 4, Grade 5 - Term 1 & 3, Grade 6 - Term 2), Social Science (Geography) (Grade 4 - Term 1 & 3, Grade 5 - Term 2 & 4, Grade 6 - Term 1 & 3)

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