Drama Climate Change Monologue – Grade 9 Term 3

Activity Introduction

Learners perform a monologue encompassing a believable, honest, real, true character in a real-life situation of climate action is needed.

Grade: 9

Resources Required: Assessment sheets including rubrics printed out for each learner (downloadable below)

Key Concepts & Skills: • Theme(s) related to a social or environmental issue for the drama • Isolating and developing a topic from the research • Structure of the performance • Shape and focus of the performance • Specialised style, e.g. melodrama, comedy, tragedy, farce, musical and puppet show. • Technical resources to enhance the performance

Extra Notes: Print only one copy of the first two pages of the Assessment (below) for your records. Exclude these pages when printing assessment sheet copies for your learners.

Duration: Term 3 Week 1-9

Level of teacher facilitation: Moderate - High

Curriculum links: Grade 9 Creative Arts: Drama mini-PAT

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