Nelson Mandela and Some National Symbols Lesson Plan – Grade R – 2

Activity Introduction

To complement the Nelson Mandela in Cape Town Legacy Exhibition, a supportive education programme has been developed for primary and secondary school learners by the City of Cape Town in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Western Cape Government and Responsible Tourism Cape Town. This specific lesson plan consists of 8 relevant activities to introduce young learners to Nelson Mandela and some National Symbols of South Africa.

Grade: R-2

Prior Knowledge: In the foundation phase, learners are introduced to national symbols. In Grade 2, under the Life Skills topic “Our country”, learners are introduced to a map of South Africa and should be able to name and locate their own province. They should also have knowledge of the South African flag, including recognising the flag and places where we can see it flying. Learners should also know the South African anthem, including listening and singing.

Resources Required: Lesson Plan (downloadable below)

Extra Notes: This Lesson Plan links to the Nelson Mandela in Cape Town Legacy Exhibition currently in the City Hall. To get the full lesson experience, visit the exhibition in person if you can. For more information see

Level of teacher facilitation: Moderate

Curriculum links: Life Skills: National Symbols

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