Tourism Ecological Footprint Assessment – Grade 10 Term 1

Activity Introduction

Formal Project to introduce learners to tourism and the ecological footprint of tourism

Grade: 10

Prior Knowledge: Tourism Sector, including Introduction to Tourism • Types of tourists and tourist profiles • The different modes of transport • Accommodation establishments: facilities and services offered by each type; the South African grading system • Food and beverage establishments • The attraction sector

Resources Required: Assessment Printouts for learners and Memorandum for marking (downloadable below)

Key Concepts & Skills: This project requires learners to do some planning/preparation/investigation/research; perform the task/carry out instructions according to the criteria given; produce a product such as a quotation or a booklet; and allow for some innovation and creativity, i.e. open-ended to a certain extent.

Duration: 1 lesson

Level of teacher facilitation: Low - Moderate

Curriculum links: Tourism Gr 10 Term 1 Formal Project – Tourism profile

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