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Year One Focus Area

Focus Area Details
HTML Block
Target 1
Target 1: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner

Year Two Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Biodiversity Network
HTML Block
Target 1
Using the school park during class can help reinforce lessons in science,such as studying different animals and plants native area.learners create their own habitats .
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Using the school park during class can help reinforce lessons in science,such as studying different animals and plants native area.learners create their own habitats . Material and tools to be utilise, used tires, bottles, cement,fish tins,spade,rake, wheelbarrow, hammers and etc. Design plan round table and seats,pond, trees house and shades. Evaluate health and safety committee to officially open the school park. Area at the back of the classes next to tennis courts. Prepare the area by removing grass or cleaning the land Draw the plan on the land and indicate where structure will be located. Use the material to make the school park. This project will be done during sports time and maths, science and technology. Used tyres,fish tins and used bottles.roof sheets and round poles pillars Educators, Learners, EAs & General workers,SGB and community. End of September 2023
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Lapalala Wilderness School School
Limpopo green school Organization
Blessman international Organization
Target 2 (Optional)
Classroom desk and assembly side bins
Target 2: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
To reduce littering and keeping environment clean. Pencil shaving. Exhausted pens. Half eaten apples. To promote conductive learning environment. Reduce movement of learners during teaching and learners. Learners develop science process skills at early age Material each to choose their own material to make bins. Choose the relevant side of the table where the bins will be placed and draw a design plan considering shape and size of the bins. Classroom and assembly Making of sides where bins will be placed. Create No littering signs. Plan the day which all the grade all present their final product and awards the best bin. Bottles, wires, milk boxes,egg trays , paints and sole tape. Educators and learners 30 September 2023
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Sustainable schools Organization
Lapalala Wilderness School School
Limpopo green Organization
Blessman international Organization
Afgri Organization
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner

Year Three Focus Area

Focus Area Details
HTML Block
Target 1
Target 1: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
