{Name (Last):2.6}

School Name
  Lesodi Motlana Higher Primary
Existing School Focus Areas

  • Health & Well-being

Establish An Adult Action Team & A Learner Action Team / Eco-club

  • We have an Adult Action team
  • We have a Learner Action team / Eco-club

Year One Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Health & Well-being
HTML Block
Target 1
To supplement School Nutrition Program with fresh vegetables
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Start vegetable garden Plant vegetables in the garden At the back of the administration building Preparing the soil for planting garden tools and seedlings Mashile L October 2023
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Lapalala wildernesschool NGO/None profit organization
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Designing rubbish bins Buying old drums school yard Cutting the drums and mounting them on steel poles Grinder,disc, steel , cement and sand Me Senoamadi October 2023
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
General assistants Staff
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
We grow vegetables in the garden to subsidies the feeding scheme at the school Subsidies the feeding scheme at school Within the school Garden in progress Working tools such spade,forks,and Rakes Teachers, learners and the educator assistant October 2023
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Lapalala wildernesschool An NGO

Year Two Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Health & Well-being
HTML Block
Target 1
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Start a vegetable garden Gardening Within the school premise Garden in progress Seedlings 🌱, compost and working tool Teachers, learners and educator assistant October 2023
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Lapalala wildernesschool An NGO
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners

Year Three Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Health & Well-being
HTML Block
Target 1
Target 1: Goals
Potential Partners
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners
