{Name (Last):2.6}

School Name
  Bergvliet Primary School
Rationale / Mission
  Our school should be a clean, welcoming environment where all stakeholders share in this vision of maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of the premises. All recycling of items must be done properly.
  Our objective is to develop a love and respect for our environment. To educate others within our school and broader community about protecting the planet. To save water by using our borehole water and JoJo tanks.
Embedding Sustainability

  • Yes

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  To fully integrate environmental initiatives into the school curriculum. To embed the environmental club into the school life so it may be run by the learners and their parents and in so doing open it to the broader community
Existing School Focus Areas

  • Production, Consumption & Waste
  • Energy & Climate Action
  • Health & Well-being
  • Water & Sanitation

Establish An Adult Action Team & A Learner Action Team / Eco-club

  • We have a Learner Action team / Eco-club

Action Team Member List

Name of staff/parent/community member Grade/role/task assigned
Brenda van Niekerk ( Environmental Club founder and computer teacher Grade 4,5,6 and 7. About 20 members.
Ruth Schonegevel (art teacher)

Year One Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Water & Sanitation
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Target 1
To encourage staff and learners to use ground water and JoJo tank water for watering plants and cleaning bathrooms. To use grey water at home for plants. Catch shower water and reuse for rinsing plastic waste meant for recycling. To maintain the school gardens and planting areas regularly taking shoots to replant and seeds.
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Trees; plants maintained All stakeholders kept abreast of what to maintain North field and South field, eco garden, grade one garden Start with Eco garden, then grade 1 garden, tree corner on north field Small wooden planter boxes; small watering cans; mini spades; dried flower seeds; vegetable and herb seedlings. Founder of the club November 2022
Potential Partners
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners

Year Two Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Health & Well-being
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Target 1
To educate learners about the benefits of growing their own food and that eating what you grow builds healthy lifestyles.
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Eating healthy and growing your own vegetables Learners mixed their own fruits for smoothies; studied and planted herbs; know the benefits of natural medication BPS Eco garden Survey on fruit choices; buying herbs and planting in different pots Planters; potting soil; compost; bone meal; herbs Eco club teachers and leaners April 2023
Potential Partners
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners

Year Three Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Health & Well-being
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Target 1
Build awareness of how to care for the most vulnerable in society e.g. the elderly and animals (pets)
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Learn empathy Visit old age homes and SPCA Bergvliet/Grassy Park none Two Eco club staff members End of term 1 2024
Potential Partners
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners
