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School Name
  Kgaba Secondary school
Rationale / Mission
  At kgaba we aim to provide quality education, disciplined and motivated learner's by:
1. Placing learners first in everything we do.
2. Providing our educators with development opportunities.
3. Offering a rich cultural and
  We at kgaba secondary school strive: to create an environment that is conducive for quality teaching and learning of our learners and the community at large.
Year One Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Community & Social Responsibility
HTML Block
Target 1
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
To pick,sot, reduce,reuse,rot and recycle waste. Conduct interclassroom cleaning campaign. Kitchen,schoolyard, area around schoolyard, etc. Cleaning campaign plan . Refuse bags,garden handgloves,transport to carry waste to landfillsite,,clean water bottles.food,manpower from neighbouring schools ,community and other stakeholders,first _aid kits,gardenrakes,forks etc., Learners,teachers and SGB. 14 October 2022
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Mogalakwena Municipality community service department ,Lapalala Wilderness school, LGSEP,Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Thobela Center, Indiana,etc. Community based organisation’s,NGO’and government departments,etc.
Target 2 (Optional)
Plant at least 20 fruit trees and some wild and indigenous plants together with groundcovers to prevent soil erosion, create vegetable garden,etc.
Target 2: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Food security and reforestation. Plant plants and vegetables. School yard Plant vegetables and trees. Edible groundcovers like sweetpotatoes ,indigenous trees.fruit trees,irrigation system,garden tools,borehole,automatic waterpump,solar panels,garden fence.greenhouse,vegetable nets,pest control chemicals,laptop,fertilizers, etc. SGB,educators, learners and other stakeholders. 25 November 2022
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Lapalala Wilderness school, Mogalakwena Municipality, LGSEP,Induna,Department of Agriculture.Department of Education,etc., Government-based and NGO’s,etc.
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners

Year Two Focus Area

Year Three Focus Area
