{Name (Last):2.6}

School Name
Rationale / Mission
  We envision our school being clean with alot of vegetation
  We want to be a more sustainable school because we are aware of how much of a positive impact it does when we are taking care of our environment, in terms of saving money and reducing pollution.
  Our schools current initiatives are to make sure that we have all the resources needed, such as cleaning appliances, buckets, and a committee that include learners and parents
Existing School Focus Areas

  • Health & Well-being
  • Water & Sanitation

Establish An Adult Action Team & A Learner Action Team / Eco-club

  • We have an Adult Action team

Year One Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Health & Well-being
HTML Block
Target 1
Increase the number of indigenous plants in the school.
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Plant more trees Inorder to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere Plant trees Plant trees around the admin block Identify area, inform the principal, check the budget available to use, make quotation and select a day for planting Four indigenous plants, gloves, fertilizers, axe, Sustainability commitee 20 JUNE 2023
Potential Partners
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners

Year Two Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Water & Sanitation
HTML Block
Target 1
Increase the number of buckets and bins available
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
To make sure that the school is always need and no water is wasted The whole school Inform the principal, check the budget availability and buy resources 4 bins, 4 buckets The Principal and coordinator 20 JUNE 2024
Potential Partners
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners

Year Three Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Water & Sanitation
HTML Block
Target 1
Increase the number of indigenous plants
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
Have enough indigenous plants as possible Look for areas available to plant indigenous plants Behind classrooms Inform the principal, check budget if it’s available, communicate with commitee and buy plants Fertilizers, 2 plants, gloves, spate Principal and Sustainable committee 24 JUNE 2025
Potential Partners
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners
