{Name (Last):2.6}

School Name
  Phelang LSEN School
Rationale / Mission
  To create environment awareness, to establish, start and maintain vegetable garden, plant trees for shades, flowering and fruit trees. To achieve millennium developmental goals. To engage different stakeholders.
  We want to be a more sustainable school because we want to promote environmental actions and behaviours that do not include polluting to environment, consider poverty alleviation, sustainable agriculture such as food security
Embedding Sustainability

  • Yes

Upload Policy

  Our school initiatives currently are to transfer skills to learners and community members. To re-inforce the four R's of the environment that is recycling, reduce, reuse and repair. To teach learners entrepreneurial skills.
Existing School Focus Areas

  • Production, Consumption & Waste
  • Health & Well-being

Establish An Adult Action Team & A Learner Action Team / Eco-club

  • We have an Adult Action team
  • We have a Learner Action team / Eco-club

Upload Team List

Action Team Member List

Name of staff/parent/community member Grade/role/task assigned
Mathapelo Malinga, Mr Malapela, Mr Mohlaping, Florinah, Julia, Constance, Cynthia Grade 4 & 5

Year One Focus Area

Focus Area Details
Health & Well-being
HTML Block
Target 1
To transfer skills to learners and community members interns of agriculture.
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified Action Identified Location/Area within School Implementation steps Resources needed Who is responsible? Deadline
To plant and grow vegetables in order to suppliment school nutrition scheme To secure our plots parameters, prepare soil for planting Agriculture site Soil preparation, weeding and planting Garden tools/Equipments and seeds/seedlings Mr Malapela and Ms Malinga 30/11/2024
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Ekurhuleni Agricultural Department Individual
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner

Year Two Focus Area

Focus Area Details
HTML Block
Target 1
Target 1: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner

Year Three Focus Area

Focus Area Details
HTML Block
Target 1
Target 1: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Target 2 (Optional)
Target 2: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Target 3 (Optional)
Target 3: Goals
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
