School Name
Selcourt Primary School
Rationale / Mission
We envision taking a more holistic approach to Education for Sustainable Development by cultivating sustainable development practices in ways whereby the learners are made more aware of the importance of the environment.
We want to be a more sustainable school because the need to protect and sustain the environment is becoming more of a priority now that global warming is having such an impact on our ecosystem
Our current initiatives are: motivating the recycling programe, planting vegetables, exploring ecosystems, using the learner's creative talent to make peers aware of global warming and campaigning to save water.
Existing School Focus Areas
- Biodiversity Network
- Community & Social Responsibility
- Production, Consumption & Waste
- Energy & Climate Action
Establish An Adult Action Team & A Learner Action Team / Eco-club
- We have an Adult Action team
- We have a Learner Action team / Eco-club
Action Team Member List
Name of staff/parent/community member |
Grade/role/task assigned |
Dorothy White |
Eco Club Co-ordinator |
Louise Swanepoel |
Weather Station |
Year One Focus Area
Focus Area Details
Production, Consumption & Waste
Target 1
To establish a vegetable garden within the school to produce food. Learners will learn a lot about soil types, parts of plants, environmental friendly pest repellants, responsibility and the concept that success comes from hard work.
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified |
Action Identified |
Location/Area within School |
Implementation steps |
Resources needed |
Who is responsible? |
Deadline |
Planting vegetables and learning how to maintain the garden |
planting vegetables |
Next to the workshop |
Preparing soil in containers, planting and harvesting |
Containers, soil, seeds, tools |
Mrs White |
end of 2025 |
Potential Partners
Name of partner |
Type of Partner |
Possibly Homestead Farm for advice and/or soils |
Farm and Nursery |
Target 2 (Optional)
Recycling waste: working with Triple S and L to provide bins for plastic containers, cardboard containers, paper, tins. They will collect waste regularly and recycle it. Plastic bottle tops will be given to the Selcourt methodist Church to sponsor wheel chair donations.
Target 2: Goals
Goal Identified |
Action Identified |
Location/Area within School |
Implementation steps |
Resources needed |
Who is responsible? |
Deadline |
Keeping the environment clean and helping sponsor wheel chairs |
Collection of recyclable waste |
Bins placed all over school grounds |
Introductory talk on environmental clean up then allocation of bins |
Various coloured bins for different categories of waste |
Mrs White |
end 2025 |
Potential Partners
Name of partner |
Type of Partner |
Triple s and L |
Local recycling company |
Selcourt Methodist Church |
collects bottle tops for wheelchair sponsors |
Target 3 (Optional)
Making learners aware of the impact of global warming on the earth by informing them of latest disasters that can be liked to climate change. a board will be mounted with a world map. String will be attached to a pin and then the area affected. how climate change affected this disaster will also be shown
Target 3: Goals
Goal Identified |
Action Identified |
Location/Area within School |
Implementation steps |
Resources needed |
Who is responsible? |
Deadline |
Constant updates on Global Warming |
board with maps showing disasters |
on the wall in the corridor |
mount board and pin the latest disasters on maps |
Board, maps, string, information on each disaster |
Mrs White |
End 2025 |
Potential Partners
Name of partner |
Type of Partner |
Internet and BBC news |
News outlets |
Year Two Focus Area
Focus Area Details
Energy & Climate Action
Target 1
Manning a weather station, daily recording temperatures, rainfall amount, cloud cover, wind direction. We will be monitoring the weather patterns as they happen in Springs. This is the third year that this operation has been monitored. We can now compare records of the past 3 years.
Target 1: Goals
Goal Identified |
Action Identified |
Location/Area within School |
Implementation steps |
Resources needed |
Who is responsible? |
Deadline |
Monitor weather patterns and any changes |
Weather board with records of daily readings |
Outside Mrs Swanepoel’s classroom |
Continue to take daily readings and record them |
Weather board and file of readings over past 3 years |
Mrs Swanepoel |
Continuous |
Potential Partners
Name of partner |
Type of Partner |
Grade 5 learners |
learners from the school |
Year Three Focus Area