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School Name
  Lions River Primary School
Rationale / Mission
  The protection of the environmental and the education of learners to make environmentally sound life choices
  To develop a culture within our broader school community that recognizes the shared responsibility to take care of nature.
Please tell us what activities/environmental initiatives your school is currently implementing.
  Community and Social responsibility: collecting paper waste projects/ Energy and Climate Change – using our solar cooker, expanding our solar panels / Healthy living: Apple Peach Trees Water and sanitation: Tippy taps
Select / tick the Focus Areas your school is currently working on.

  • Community & Social Responsibility
  • Energy & Climate Action
  • Health & Well-being
  • Water & Sanitation

Establish An Adult Action Team & A Learner Action Team / Eco-club

  • We have an Adult Action team
  • We have a Learner Action team / Eco-club

Action Team Member List

Name of staff/parent/community member Grade/role/task assigned
Matlaba Zuma, Slo Mhlongo, Mr Chiliza Eco-Committee

Focus Area

Focus Area
Focus Area Details
Health & Well-being
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Target 1: Goals
Planned Action/Activities: e.g. Plant biodiversity garden What is your goal/target for this action: e.g. add another Indigenous bed and maintain the previous; increase the percentage of locally Indigenous plants by 30% Who is responsible? E.g. Grade 4 – 7’s Possible lesson/s and or Environmental Celebrations to support the actions/activities & for which grade e.g. Gd 4 – 7 NS T1 – focus on Biodiversity/ecosystems.
Plant the gardens with vegetable seedling for an all-year round havest Teach all grades some gardening skills Grade 1-7 Photosynthesis -Grade 6/7 NS Biodiversity-Grade 7 NS
Use our small budget to buy seedlings Show evidence of one home/ one garden Grade 1-7 Nutrition LS Grade 5
Inspire vegetarian cooking Collect at least 40 family local vegetarian recipes Grade 6-7 Nutrition Grade 6 LS. 16th Oct-World Food Day 24: Heritage day
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Love Howick Organization
One Planet Organization
Focus Area Details
Production, Consumption & Waste
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Target 1: Goals
Planned Action/Activities: e.g. Plant biodiversity garden What is your goal/target for this action: e.g. add another Indigenous bed and maintain the previous; increase the percentage of locally Indigenous plants by 30% Who is responsible? E.g. Grade 4 – 7’s Possible lesson/s and or Environmental Celebrations to support the actions/activities & for which grade e.g. Gd 4 – 7 NS T1 – focus on Biodiversity/ecosystems.
Inspire grade 6 and 7 learners to collect and build eco-bricks at home and at school Collect 200 eco-bricks Grade 6-7 Recycling and Natural resource Grade 6 NS Impacts on the environment and pollution-Grade 7 SS grade 6
Clean up compaign in local Lions River community Collect up to 20 bags of waste Calendar Days: Nelson Mandela 67 Min clean up/ National Recycling Day
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
Love Howick – Wendy Nhlongo Organization
One Planet Organization
Focus Area Details
Water & Sanitation
HTML Block
Target 1: Goals
Planned Action/Activities: e.g. Plant biodiversity garden What is your goal/target for this action: e.g. add another Indigenous bed and maintain the previous; increase the percentage of locally Indigenous plants by 30% Who is responsible? E.g. Grade 4 – 7’s Possible lesson/s and or Environmental Celebrations to support the actions/activities & for which grade e.g. Gd 4 – 7 NS T1 – focus on Biodiversity/ecosystems.
Continue to use tippy taps throughout the year Save up to 47 300 L of water per year by the whole schools adopting tippy taps to wash their hands Grade 1-7 Saving Water-Natural Resources-Grade 6 SS
Elect monitors to ensure the tippy taps are used, they are filled up daily and nobody opens the taps Elect and Award 5 monitors
Monitors the Lions River using freshwater wash kit and Mini SASS Tool – . Do the Lions River mini SASS twice per year. Upload results Grade 7 World Water Day-20th May/ 5th World Environmental Day
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
One Planet Organization
Fresh Water Watch – Grounth Truth Business
Focus Area Details
Energy & Climate Action
HTML Block
Target 1: Goals
Planned Action/Activities: e.g. Plant biodiversity garden What is your goal/target for this action: e.g. add another Indigenous bed and maintain the previous; increase the percentage of locally Indigenous plants by 30% Who is responsible? E.g. Grade 4 – 7’s Possible lesson/s and or Environmental Celebrations to support the actions/activities & for which grade e.g. Gd 4 – 7 NS T1 – focus on Biodiversity/ecosystems.
Plant a biodiversity garden to combat the biodiversity loss driven by climate change Plant 10% of the garden indigenous endemic plants Biodiversity and eco-system services Grade 7
Enter the eco-system painting competition Win a pond eco-system River eco-systems, food chain NS Grade 6
Use energy from the sun Continue to use our solar pots and take photos Renewable energy Grade 7 NS: Envir Day Arbour day
Potential Partners
Name of partner Type of Partner
One Planet Organization
Love Howick Organization
