Keep veg garden going using permaculture principles. Use garden for teaching and learning
1. Set up a thriving vegetable garden to provide food all year round
2. Teach children about different permaculture tecniques
3. Rotate the gardening tasks between grade to ensure the garden is watered, weeded with interval sowing
4. Ensure that all flower beds are interplanted with vegetables
5. Extend the vegetable garden to the other side of the office building- fence and pepare beds
6. Plant more indigenous trees to beautifythegardens and provide shade for the learners
7. Establish a rocky in the permaculture garden to encourage a balance between pests and predators without using pesticides.
What are your GOALS to achieve these targets?
1. Organise a permaculture lesson with One Planet
2. Speak to Environmental affair to deliver season seedlings at regular intervals
3. Set up a compost heap with grass cutting and vege peelings/off cuts
4. Make a list of indigent learners and provide them with food parcels after havest