Another Successful Sustainable Schools Teacher Development Workshop

On Saturday, 20 August 2022, we gathered for another excellent Teacher Development Workshop at Intaka Island, Century City. This marks the third out of four workshops that the Sustainable Schools Programme (SSP) offers per year. It is safe to say that everyone involved had a wonderful time engaging and learning about Biodiversity.

The programme started with an introductory talk on Biodiversity – what it means, the types of Biodiversity, why it is essential, etc. The theme covered was Biodiversity Network – one of the eight focus areas within the scope of the SSP. The teachers actively participated in the discussions and very passionately shared why Biodiversity matters to them and should matter to all. Following the initial session, we were joined by one of our extraordinary partners, Greenpop, with a lovely presentation from Deon Low – Urban Greening Manager for the organisation, who delivered a heart-moving and very informative presentation on Fynbos. The teachers also learned more about the Sustainability practices observed by Intaka Island, and one of the rangers explained the water system as well as the energy efficiency of the island itself. This helped teachers see the value and practicality of implementing sustainability in various ways. One teacher commented: “Intaka Island Centre is a great example of a sustainable building.”

After enjoying some lunch, the SSP team delivered a step-by-step demonstration on how to use the Online hub and complete the School Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) for their schools, giving much-needed clarity and guidance. The overall feedback for the day was positive, as many teachers felt that the workshop met all their objectives and expectations before attending the event. Here are some of the highlights from our outstanding Sustainable Teachers:

“Because I got a better understanding about biodiversity and the knowledge that I’ve learned, I can pass it on to my school community as well as to family and friends.” – Teacher from St Mary’s RC Primary School.

“It gave me a clear understanding of what my school is adding to the environment. It made me see the small projects we have in place as part of a wider network. This gives me a great appreciation for all the efforts put into each project.” – Teacher from Observatory Junior School

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