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School Name   kgatelopele primary school Rationale / Mission   we envsion our school looking cleaner and wish to teach the learners various recycling methods…

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School Name   Kgaba Secondary school Rationale / Mission   At kgaba we aim to provide quality education, disciplined and motivated learner's by: 1. Placing…

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School Name   Mosesane baloyi primary school Rationale / Mission   We hope that our school garden could be bigger than it is now and…

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School Name   Ithuteng Lower Primary Rationale / Mission   We are committed to educate learners and the school community on how to take good…

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School Name   Northdene Preparatory School Rationale / Mission   To educate the learners and their families about environmental matters so that they implement a…

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School Name   Makgubuketja primary school Rationale / Mission   To use the enviroment and recyclable materials to feed and improve the welfare of the…

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School Name   Corrie-Lynn Primary School Rationale / Mission   Our school wishes to be a showcase of environmental excellence. We wish to be an…

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School Name   Hawkstone Primary School Rationale / Mission   To make sure our learners have the opportunity to connect with nature and learn how…

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School Name   Yarrow Intermediate Rationale / Mission   We wish to provide learners and teachers with the necessary skills to adapt and thrive on…

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School Name   Oasis preparatory school Rationale / Mission   We wish to inspire our young learners with the knowledge and skills to make wise…
